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S \ Quantum mechanics and quantum 

^ '■ Hall effect on Riemann surfaces 

3 : 
^ , 

^ ■ Roberto lengo"'^ and Dingping Li° 

^ ; International School for Advanced studies, SISSA, 1-34014 

^ ; Trieste, Italy" 

^ ; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, INFN, Sezione di Trieste, 

^ ; Trieste, Italy^ 

cn : 

^ ' Abstract 

^ : 

^ • The quantum mechanics of a system of charged particles inter- 
On. acting with a magnetic field on Riemann surfaces is studied. We 
(— I I explicitly construct the wave functions of ground states in the case 
^ • of a metric proportional to the Chern form of the ^-bundle, and the 
• rH , wave functions of the Landau levels in the case of the the Poincare 
r> I metric. The degeneracy of the the Landau levels is obtained by using 
' the Riemann-Roch theorem. Then we construct the Laughlin wave 
function on Riemann surfaces and discuss the mathematical structure 
hidden in the Laughlin wave function. Moreover the degeneracy of 
the Laughlin states is also discussed. 

1 Introduction 

We study here the quantum mechanics of a system of charged particles hving 
on a two dimensional surface and interacting with a magnetic field orthogonal 
to the surface. When the surface is an infinite plane and the magnetic field is 
constant, we have the well known problem of the Landau levels. This problem 
has received a renewed interest in the context of the quantum Hall effect 
(QHE)(for a review, see Ref. [|l|). In fact, the QHE appears to be related 
to a rich physical and also mathematical structure, which is worthwhile to 
investigate in various possible configurations. 

A particular intriguing and interesting case occurs when the two dimen- 
sional surface is a Riemann surface of high genus. Although not directly ac- 
cessible to experiments, the problem of the physics on the Riemann surface 
happens to have deep relations with modern investigations on some inter- 
esting problems, like the occurrence of chaos in the surface with a negative 
curvature 0, and recent developments in the theory of Riemann surfaces, 
for example, the moduli of the surface and the vector bundles defined on the 
moduli 0. 

In this paper, we will explore the problem directly from the point of view 
of quantum mechanics, by defining the Hamiltonian and then constructing 
eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian. In Ref. the problem in the case of the 
surface being an open hyperbolic plane with a constant negative curvature 
was considered and Ref. discussed the scattering on a hyperbolic torus. 
Instead, here we will mainly consider compact Riemann surfaces. Ref. P| 
obtained some interesting results about eigenvalues and their multiplicity 
of a particle interacting with the magnetic field, in the case of Riemann 
surfaces of high genus with a constant curvature by using some results from 
the mathematical literature, for example by using Selberg trace formula (for 
a review on Selberg trace formula, see Ref. See also Ref. for a related 

We pursue this investigation by explicit construction, which allows us to 
derive, and in some sense, generalize all known results in a straightforward 
way and provides us also the wave functions of Landau levels. The wave 
functions turn out to be the holomorphic line bundle defined on the surface, 
or for the high Landau levels, they are obtained by applying some covari- 
ant derivatives on the holomorphic line bundle. Actually, the holomorphic 
line bundle can be defined without reference to a particular metric. Thus 


although we consider mainly two cases for the metric, we can make some 
possible interesting generalizations to metrics of other kinds, mainly for the 
case of the ground states. 

It is known that the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) is related 
to the properties of the ground states, through the Laughlin wave function. 
We will show the construction of the Laughlin wave function on Riemann 
surfaces and indicate some interesting relations with recent results appeared 
in the mathematical literature 0. 

We organize the paper as follows. In section 2, we use the Riemann-Roch 
theorem to derive the degeneracy of the ground states of a particle interacting 
with a constant magnetic field As we will see, the natural definition of a 
constant magnetic field is to take it proportional to the area form. We 
consider first the case of a metric which is proportional to the Chern form 
of the 6'-function line bundle 0, defined explicitly in section 2. Since it is 
expressed in terms of the canonical holomorphic one forms, we will call it 
"canonical ^-metric", abbreviated as C6'M[]. In section 3, we construct the 
Landau levels on the surface with the Poincare metric. The eigenvalues of the 
Landau levels and their multiplicity are obtained. In section 4, we continue 
the discussion of section 3 to construct the wave functions of the the Landau 
levels. In section 5, we present the Laughlin wave function on high genus 
surfaces with particular metrics. The mathematical structure hidden in the 
Laughlin wave function is pointed out. In particular, we also discuss the 
degeneracy of the Laughlin states. 

2 The lowest Landau level on Riemann sur- 
faces with the C^M metric 

We consider a particle on a Riemann surface interacting with a "monopole" 
field, that is the integral of the field strength out of the surface is different 
from zero. We use the metric ds^ = Qzzdzdz in complex coordinates and 
the volume form is dv = [igzz/'^]dz A dz = Qzzdx A dy. We apply a constant 
magnetic field on the surface. The natural definition of the constant magnetic 

^we understand there is not a standard name for this metric in the hterature. It is 
proportional to the so caUed Bergman kernel, which is also proportional to the curvature 
of the Arakelov metric. 


field to the high genus Riemann surface]^ |T0| is 

F = Bdv = {d,A, - d2A,)dz A dz, 

with constant B. Thus d^A^ — d^A^ = igzzB/2. The flux $ is given by 
27r$ = J F = BV, where V is the area of the surface and we assume here 
-B > ($ > 0). The Hamiltonian of an electron on the surface under the 
magnetic fleld is given by the Laplace-Beltrami operator, 

H = [l/2m^{P^-A,)g^^^{P,-A,) 
= [g^ym][{Pz-Az){P,-A,) 

+{P,-A,)iPz-Az)] (1) 
= [2g''/m]iPz-Az)iP,-A,) + [B/2m] 

where g""^ = [l/g^z] and P^ = -id^, Pz = {d^ = {d^ - idy)/2). The 

inner product of two wave functions is deflned as < ipi\ip2 >= / dvipi x ?/)2- 

H' = [2g^^/ m] {Pz — Az){Pz — A^) is a positive deflnite hermitian operator 
because < iIj\H'\iIj >> for any ip. Thus if H'lp = 0, then ip satisfles 
(Pg — Az)ip = 0. The solutions of this equation are the ground states of the 
Hamiltonian H or H', i.e. the lowest Landau level (LLL). The existence of the 

solutions of this equation is guaranteed by the Riemann-Roch theorem [[11 

. The solutions belong to the sections of the holomorphic line bundle under 
the gauge fleld. The Riemann-Roch theorem tells us that h^{L) — h^{L) = 
deg{L)—g+l, where h^{L) is the dimension of the sections of the holomorphic 
line bundle or the degeneracy of the ground states of the Hamiltonian H, 
h^{L) is the dimension of the holomorphic differential {L~^ x K) where K 
is the canonical bundle and deg{L) is the degree of the line bundle which 
is equal to the flrst Chern number of the gauge fleld, or the magnetic flux 

out of the surface, When deg{L) > 2g — 2, h^{L) is equal to zero [111 

and h^{L) = <^ — g + 1. As a consistent check, h^{L) indeed gives the right 
degeneracy of the ground states in the case of a particle on the sphere and 
torus interacting with a magnetic-monopole fleld. 

If the Riemann surface S has g {g > 0) handles, there exist abelian 
differentials, g holomorphic and g anti-holomorphic closed 1-forms, Ui and 
cDj. They are normalized by 


where Ai, Bi are a canonical homology basis or closed loops around handles 
on S, and the imaginary part of f2 is a positive matrix. We consider the C^M 
metric given by 

= u){Imn)~^uj, (3) 

which is always greater than zero. This metric is proportional to the Bergman 
reproducing Kernel and it is also proportional to the curvature of the Arakelov 
metric p. Its most interesting feature (for our study here) is that it is pro- 
portional to the Chern form of the ^-function line bundle[§], implying the 
covariant derivatives match the transformation properties of the 6'-function. 
We note that 

^ = J dxdy(jj{ImVL)~^uj = g. (4) 

Let us take $ equal to 'yg. Because of Dirac quantization, 'yg must be an 
integer and here we assume that 'jg is a positive integer. We will explicitly 
construct the ground states in the case of 7 being a positive integer here 
and the case of fractional 7 will be discussed in section 5.2. Now we have 
B = 27r7 and Fzz = dzA^ — dzA^ = m'^uj{ImVL)~^uj . We can take Az = 
injuj{ImQ)~^u/2, where = J^^ and Az = Az are the gauge potentials in 
a certain gauge. 

The ground states satisfy the equation, 

D"^ = {d+ ^-fij{Imny^u)^ = 0. (5) 


D{u + ^In + m) = K(n,m)^^ D(u)K(n,m) (6) 


K{n, m) = exp 7[S'(n, m) — S{n, m)] 


S{n,m) = {TT/2)u{ImQ,)^^{Qn + m), 
thus we can choose the boundary condition as [|T^], 

K{n, m)\E'(M + Qn + m) = exp{ia{n, m))'${u). (7) 

Generally we can take a{n,m) as 

a{n, m) = i'jTmm + 2TTi'~faom — 2TTibon. (8) 


We define the function 

^ = exp[-{n/2)-fu{ImQ)-^u + {n/2)-fu{ImQ)-^u]F. (9) 
Tlien tlie function F satisfies tlie equation, 

F{u + Qn + m) = exp{—iTT'ynQn — 27T'ynu — i'-jTmm + ia{n, m))F{u). (10) 
Tlie solutions of Eq. (|l^) are 

(7w|7fi) (11) 

with b = Bq and Oj = (ao)j + /i/7, /j = 0, ■ ■ ■ , 7 — 1 and i = 1, ■ ■ ■ , g. It seems 
that there are 7^ solutions. However, from the Riemann-Roch theorem, we 
know that the degeneracy is 7(7 — (? + 1 when 7 > 1 (remind that 7 is a 
positive integer here, then we have 'jg > 2g — 2 and = 0). We observe 
that when g = 1, 'j^ = •yg — g + 1 but 7^ > 7(7 — + 1 for 7 > 1 and g > I. 
In fact, generally the solutions given by Eq. (pH]) are not linear-independent. 
Take, for example, Fi given by 

MyQ) , (12) 

then consider Fi/Fi which are the meromorphic functions on the Riemann 
surface S. Because Fi has jg zeros, for example, at Zi,i = l,---,75f, the 
meromorphic functions will have possible poles at points Zj. The dimension 
of such meromorphic functions is given by the Riemann-Roch theorem, the 
number of the possible poles, jg, minus g — 1 in the case of 7 > 1, which 
is equal to ■yg — g + 1 and is the degeneracy of the ground states. If 7 = 1, 
according to Eq. ([Tl|) there is only one solution (it is possible that this solution 
is identical to zero by the Riemann vanishing theorem and thus there will be 
no solutions). We remark that if (ao)i = 1/2 , (6o)j = 7/2, the wave functions 
are transformed covariantly by the modular transformations (for the case of 
g = l, see Ref. H ). 




3 The Landau levels on Riemann surfaces with 
the Poincare metric 

When g > 1, the simply connected covering space of the surface S is the 
upper half plane H (for example, Refs. [|l^, |^), and S is equal to H/T, 
where F is the discreet subgroup of the isometry group of H, isomorphic to 
the first homotopy of S. F is generated by the Fuchsian transformations 
around a canonical homology basis, FAi,FB. with 

f[TATBT-^]T-^] = l. (13) 

The metric is given by the Poincare metric, ds"^ = y^'^{dx^ + dy^), and we 
note that J dv = J y~'^dxdy = 27i{2g — 2) (without punctures). In the case 
of the Poincare metric g^z = the curvature is constant: 

g^'Rz, = -2g''ddlngz, = -1. 

We take F = Bdv, and thus Az = —iBd{\n gz^) /2 and the flux $ is equal to 
2B{g - 1). Then we define D = d- {B/2)d\n gzz and D = d+{B/2)d\n gzz- 
The Hamiltonian is (we take m = 2 in Eq. (^ for the simplicity), 

H = -g''DD + {B/4:). (14) 

The eigenfunctions satisfy 

= E^. (15) 

If z is another local coordinate on S and the domain of z intersects non- 
trivially the domain of z, gz^dzdz is invariant under coordinate changes, or 

gzzdzdz = g^gdzdz (16) 

on the intersection of the domains of z and z. D and D are transformed as 

D = {dz/dz)U-^DU , b = {dz/dl)U~^DU (17) 

where f/(z, 5) = [dz / dz)~^/'^{dz / dz)^^'^ . The Hamiltonian is transformed as 

H = U~^HU, (18) 


thus the wave function is transformed as 

^ = U-^^ (19) 

or '^{dz)^^'^(dz)^^^'^ is invariant under the transformation. So we conclude 
that is a differential form of type Tg/2 • Furthermore, the wave function is 
transformed under the Fuchsian transformations as 

<i/{jz) =u{-f,z)^{z), u(7,z) =i/(5,7)(c2 + d)2^/|cz + d|2^ (20) 

where 7 is a Fuchsian group element ^ ^ ^ ^ and 7^ = {az + b)/{cz + d). 

z/(i?, — 1) = e^*^'^-^ and m(7i72,z) = ^(71, 72-2)^(72, -z) are the consistency 
conditions ensuring univaluedness of the wave function on the universal cov- 
ering space 0]. The boundary condition is twisted if z/(i?,7) 7^ 1. The 
ground states are given by the solutions of the following equation, 

L>*o = 0. (21) 

/ 12'] ~ — ~ ~ 

The solutions of this equation are \E'o = 9zz ^0 with (9\E'o = 0. \E'o belongs 

to a differential form of type Tg. According to Eq. (|20|) , \E'o is transformed 

under the Fuchsian transformations as 

^0(7-2) =w'(7,^)^o(^), M'(7,z) = z/(5,7)(cz + rf)'^ (22) 

with z/(i?,7) defined in Eq. (^). When B = 1, Tb is the canonical holomor- 
phic line bundle and \&o is given by the sections of the canonical holomorphic 
line bundle. By the Riemann-Roch theorem, we have dimTs — dimTi^B = 
{2B — l){g — 1), where dimTs is the dimension of the sections of the holo- 
morphic bundle Tg. The dimension (or the degeneracy of the ground states) 
of Ti is g for the non-twisted boundary condition and is g — 1 for the twisted 
boundary condition (z/ 7^ 1), because dimTo = 1 for the non-twisted bound- 
ary condition and dimTo = for the twisted boundary condition. When 
B is an positive integer which is greater than one, the dimension of Tb is 
{2B — l){g — 1) by the Riemann-Roch theorem {dirriTi^B = 0, as 1 — -B is 
negative). When B = 1/2, T1/2 is 1/2-differentials (the spin bundle). The 
dimension of T1/2 is generically one for the odd-spin structures and zero for 
the even-spin structures. The energy of the ground states is 5/4. An expres- 
sion for the wave functions will be described in the next section. There we 


will also indicate generalizations to the case of fractional B, provided that 
{2B — l){g — 1) is integer, and also possible generalizations to surfaces with 

Here and in the following, we call g = g^z for short. We introduce the 
covariant derivative, V^, and its Hermitian conjugate (VzY — — V^, 

(V.)t : n Ti_, , (V.)t = -g-'-'dgK (23) 

Note that D is the covariant operator acting on T^'j^ {D — g'V^ where 

acts on T^jl). 

Let us next discuss the higher Landau levels. By writing 

H-B/A^ -V^V^ 

we notice that if ^'i is an eigenfunction of H with eigenvalue Ei > B/A, then 
^1 = _V^V^*i/ei (where ei = - 5/4 ^ 0). Therefore *i = for 
some Of course, since ^'i is of the form ' then $ will be of the form 
Tgy2-i- Thus we have, more explicitly, 

*i = {d-{B/2-l)dlng)^. 

Due to the property of the Poincare metric ddlng = g/2, one can easily show 

-V,V^*i = + v,(-v,v^$). 

When -B > 1, one can show that < *i| V2(-V^V^$) >> 0. It is thus clear 
that the states of the lowest excited level are obtained, if there exist $ such 
that V^V^* = 0, i.e. = 0. This means that $ = $o = 9~^^'^^o with 
(9$o = 0. Since $o is of the form Tb_i, there exist solutions of the equation 
9$o = for 5 > 1. The energy of the lowest excited states is thus 

^ 4 2 

The degeneracy of this Landau level is the dimension of the sections of the 
holomorphic bundle Tb-i (which is equal to {2B — 3){g — 1) if B > 2) . When 
B < 1, there is only the zero'th "Landau level" (the lowest Landau level). 


Beyond the "Landau levels" , little is know about the spectrum. We will make 
a comment about this point at the end of the present section. 

We can generalize the above discussion to high Landau levels. The wave 
function of the k'th Landau level is given by 

= (V,)'=$o 

= {d-{B/2-l)d\ng){d-{B/2-2)d\ng) (24) 

with l>o = 5'^/^$o and d^o = 0. l>o is a differential form of the type Ts-k- 
Notice that this construction generalizes the standard construction for the 
harmonic oscillator. By using the relation, which holds for the Poincare 

[V^ VjT- = -(m + n)/2, (25) 

one can explicitly check that ^'^ is the eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian, with 
the eigenvalue as 

Ek = [B{2k + 1) - k{k + l)]/4. (26) 

The degeneracy of the k'th Landau level is given by the dimension of the 
sections of the holomorphic bundle of the type TB-k, which is equal to {2B — 
2k — l){g — 1) when B — k > 1. Because the dimension of T„ is zero when n is 
negative, k must not be greater than B. Hence there is only a finite number 
of " Landau levels" . 

When B is an integer, k can take value from to B. When k — B, the 
corresponding is the (holomorphic) differential form of the type Tq. Tq 
is a constant function on the surface. We can also include twisted bound- 
ary conditions, which would physically correspond to the presence of some 
magnetic flux through the handles. If the boundary condition of the wave 
function is the twisted one, there does not exist a non-zero constant function 
which satisfies the twisted boundary condition. Thus the dimension of Tq is 
zero in this case and there is not the B'th Landau level. When k = B — 1, 
the degeneracy of this Landau level is the dimension of the canonical bundle 
Ti, which is equal to g for the non- twisted boundary condition and is equal 
to g — 1 for the twisted boundary condition. B can be also an half-integer. 
Then k can take value from to B - (1/2). When k ^ B - (1/2), the de- 
generacy of this Landau level is the dimension of the spin bundle Ti/2- The 
dimension of the holomorphic sections of the spin bundle generically is zero 
for the even-spin structures and one for the odd ones (or for twisted ones). 


In the next section, we will show a construction of the wave functions 
and we will see that it is possible to generalize the present scheme also to 
the case of B fractional, provided a condition is satisfied, and to include also 
"punctures" on the surface. We will also discuss the resulting spectrum of 
the Landau levels in the general case. 

Of course, the "Landau levels" that we have found by the above method 
do not exhaust the spectrum. In fact, when k has reached the maximum 
value for which s = B — k is positive or zero, we can still express \E' = 
V^5'~^^^$ where $ is a T, differential and get an additional infinity of levels 
and corresponding wave functions by the solutions of the eigenvalue equation 
for — V^V^^n = En^n- The corresponding eigenvalues for \l/ will he E = 
^{B{2k + 1) — k{k + 1)) + En- In particular, for an integer B, this will relate 
the general solution of our problem to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of 
the Laplacian on the scalar (i.e. the zero forms) on the Riemann surface with 
the Poincare metric, a problem which is not completely solved and for which 
there exists a vast literature ( for a recent review see Ref. [Q). 

4 The wave functions of the Landau levels 

In order to complete the construction of the wave functions of the "Landau 
levels" of the last section, we would like to describe ^q, that is the holo- 
morphic sections of the bundle corresponding to the differential of the type 
Tg. We will present a formula for the determinant det hi{zj), where hi are 
the independent holomorphic sections and i,j run over the degeneracy of the 
Landau level. To get a particular wave function, it is of course enough to 
consider this determinant as a function of a particular z, fixing arbitrarily 
the remaining ones. We have anticipated from the Riemann-Roch theorem 
that the degeneracy is = {2s — l){g — l), for s integer or half integer greater 
than 1, the cases s = 1, s = 1/2, s = corresponding respectively to the 
g abelian differential, to the holomorphic spin structure(s) and to the con- 
stant respectively, as recalled above. The following formula does not make 
reference to any particular metric, as the notion of holomorphic differentials 
is introduced in a metric independent fashion. 

The formula can be read from Ref. [|T5|, and it has been obtained in a 

contest of String theory, following the work of Knizhnik[jl6[. It is 


det hi{zj] 

9-1 \ 3-1 


i=l I i=l 

N 9-1 


i<j i=l 1=1 



where I'oiz) is a holomorphic half-differential with g — 1 zeros, corresponding 
to an arbitrary (but fixed) odd characteristic and I'oiri) = 0, i = 1, ■ ■ ■ , g — 1. 
The symbol E{zi,Zj) denotes the "prime form", which is a —1/2 differential 

and it has only one zero for Zi = Zj (for a review of definitions and transfor- 
mation properties of the theta functions, prime forms etc., see for instance 
Ref. |T^). Recall that hi{z) is the solution of the following equation. 

Dg-''^h{z) = g-''''dh{z 



with D = d + {s/2)d\ng. What we discuss now is valid for any metric, not 
only for the Poincare metric. The above equation implies that 




Thus with respect to the coordinate Zi, the function det hi{zj) shall be a form 
of type Tg, which we can show directly from Eq. (p7|). Because the prime 
form is a (—1/2) form and z/q is a 1/2 form. 



l)_l) + (2s-l)(^-l) 


which is the type of the form with respect to every coordinate Zi. 

It is seen that it is indeed holomorphic, the zeroes in the denominator are 
canceled by corresponding zeroes in the numerator. 

The variable in the theta function is (X^Wj — (2s — 1) Y^fll r^). We write 
the theta function in this way because the phase obtained by moving the co- 
ordinates around handles will be independent on the zeros in this format 
(this is only for the convenience). We can also absorb it into the character- 
istics. In contrast to the case when the magnetic field is proportional to the 
COM metric, in the present case the gauge potential = —isd{\ng)/2 is 
single-valued around the handles. Thus the boundary condition shall be 

hi{u + Qn + m) = exp(an + (3m)hi{u). 



The above equation implies that 

det hi{uj + Qn + m) = exp(an + /3m) det hiiuj). (32) 

The right side of Eq. ( P?] ) indeed transforms around the handles in the way 
described by Eq. (|3^). The values of are determined by the type of the 
odd characteristic z/q and the values of the characteristics a, h of the theta 
function. Therefore by using Eq. (0), the characteristics a and h in Eq. (p7|) 
can be fixed uniquely. 

By Eq. (p2D, it is easy to show that det hi{zj) shall transform in the case 
of the Poincare metric under the Fuchsian transformations as 

det hii^'yzj) = ^'(7, z) det hi{zj), (33) 

where ^'(7, z) is given by Eq. (0). We can check that Eq. ( pT]) transforms in 
the way of Eq. (|33| ) in the case of the Poincare metric. The transformations 
of the prime form and half -differential under the Fuchsian transformations 
can be found in Ref. 1/(5,7) corresponds to the boundary condition 
parameters and the characteristics a and b in Eq. (^) are fixed by 1/(5,7). 

The formula Eq. (pT]) makes sense also for s fractional, provided that N = 
{2s — l){g — 1) is a positive integer, giving the multiplicity of the level (apart 
from the particular case s = 1 recalled above), for generic characteristics 
a, b corresponding to twisted boundary conditions. The value of s for this 
case is s > 1/2. The dual line bundle will be a form of the type with 
V = 1 — s < 1/2. Ifs>l, since there are no holomorphic Ty forms with f < 0, 

is the multiplicity for any characteristic. In the case where 1 > s > 1/2, 
then 1/2 > V > 0, and for the generic moduli of the Riemann surface, there 
will be one holomorphic T„ form for some characteristics. Thus, for these 
characteristics, the multiplicity of the level corresponding to Tg will be iV + 1. 
The formula for the wave function would be in this generalization of Eq. 

( pTl) 01 . For those characteristics there exists also a Landau level, generically 
with multiplicity 1, for those s < 1/2 for which (1 — 2s){g — 1) is a positive 

Since s = B — k (recalled from the last section), this means that we find 
Landau levels provided that {2B — l){g — 1) is a positive integer, or, with 
some characteristics, that {l — 2B){g — l) is a nonnegative integer (remember 
that we assume B > 0). Therefore the general condition for the existing of 


Landau levels is that 2B{g — 1) is integer, that is the Dirac quantization 
condition. We remind that the energy of the level is 

Ek = ^{B{2k + l)-k{k + l)) 

corresponding to s = B — k. Thus we see that the Landau level of maximal 
energy is obtained for the value of k which is nearest to 5 — 1/2. If is 
integer then the maximal energy is if B is half integer the maximal 

energy is + 1/4). If B is another allowed fraction, the maximal energy 
is intermediate between the previous two. 

This discussion about Eq. (p7|) can be further generalized to the case of 
"punctures", which formally corresponds to the possibility of allowing poles 
for $0 at some points of the surface, with the understanding that those 
points are infinitely far (with the Poincare metric) from any other points. 
This means that the puncture can be taken at infinity or on the real axis 
in the upper half-plane, the surface making a narrow cusp there such that 
the area is still finite. Thus this discussion makes now use of a particular 
metric on the Riemann surface. Quantum mechanically we require the wave 
function to be normalizable and (taking the puncture at infinity) this implies 
for a differential requiring (?/^)'^~^|Tsp to be integrable in y for y oo. 
This means that the poles of Tg can be of order s at most, since a pole 
of order r a.t z = oo would imply limy^oo Tg ~ y^~'^''^ as it is seen by the 
appropriate change of chart. If we allow for punctures at say Wi,...,Wn, 
we have the freedom of generalizing Eq. (^) by multiplying the r.h.s by 
Y[iY[i{E{zi,Wi))~'^ and subtracting (sj^'u^i) from the argument of the theta 
function (this insures that ( ^2] ) continues to hold). This construction gives 
again a differential provided now = {2s — l){g — l)+ns, which is the new 
multiplicity of the level (we should be aware that N = (2s — 1)(5' — 1) + ns 
may not be true in the case of s < 1. See the previous discussion). 

Finally, a further generalization could consist in allowing for some twists 
on the punctures, corresponding to considering branch points rather than 
poles at wi. 

5 The Laughlin wave function on Riemann 


5.1 The Laughlin wave functions in the constant field 
on the surface with the Poincare metric 

In the present section, we will discuss the Laughlin wave functions in the 
constant field on the surface with the Poincare metric. In the next subsection, 
the Laughlin states in the constant magnetic field will be worked out in the 
case of the magnetic field which is proportional to the C^M metric. The 
mathematical structure behind the Laughlin wave functions will be discussed 
in the end of this subsection. We shall remark that the following discussions 
can be generalized to the case of the magnetic field being proportional to the 
curvature, if we take the Hamiltonian in a special ordering. 

with Az = —iBd{\ng)/2 and g is an arbitrary metric. The magnetic field is 
a constant one if the curvature is constant, for example, in the case of the 
Poincare metric (see the last section). The generalization is straight forward 
and we will not discuss it here. 

Following section 3, we take F^z = iBddlng, Az = —iBd{lng)/2 and g > 
1. The ground states satisfy the equation, D'^q = and the solution of the 
equation is \E'o = 9^^^^^o with d'^o = 0. \E'o is Tb differentials. hi{z) are the 
solutions of the equation d'^o = 0. In the FQHE, the magnetic field apphed 
is very strong. Thus i? is a very large number and the number of the sections 
of the holomorphic Tb differentials is equal to {2B — l){g — l). If the ground 
states are completely filled, which corresponds to the case of the quantum 
Hall state with filling z/ = 1, the wave function of the quantum Hall state is 
given by = Ui=i g'^^^ZiZi) det h,{zj) where i = 1, ■ ■ ■ , (25 - 1)(^ - 1) 
{"^jL stands for the Jastrow-Laughlin type wave function). 

A formula for det hi{zj) has been shown and discussed in the previ- 
ous section, see Eq. (^Tf) . For any quantum Hall state, we write ^^jx, = 
Yli^i g^~^^'^\ziZi)'i!'j and "^'j is a holomorphic function of the coordinates of 
any electrons, as "^jl satisfies the equation Dz^^ jl = (we have this equa- 
tion because every electron stays in the LLL). The boundary condition, Eq. 
( pOD or Eq. (p^ for the single particle implies a boundary condition on the 
many-body wave function (here is the wave function of the Hall state). 






with m'(7, z) given by by Eq. (^). Furthermore, by using Eq. (|35|), the char- 
acteristics a and b in Eq. (|27|) can be fixed uniquely. Hence the degeneracy of 
the Hall state at filling z/ = 1 is one (from the physical points of view, there 
is only one way to completely fill the lowest Landau levels). 

If the filling is equal to 1/m, we make an Ansatz for the wave function. 





9-1 \ 9-1 

mY,u,-QY.r,\mQ\ X{{vo{zi)f' 

1=1 / i=l 

N N g-l 


i=l 1=1 

where is the number of the electrons. Qi must be equal to Q2, otherwise, 
there will be singularities at r,. The way we write the theta function in Eq. 

(36) is based on the intuition from the wave function on the torus. Moreover, 
under the Fuchsian transformation, Eq. (|36| ) shall be transformed as Eq. (|35|). 
This implies that = Q2 = 2B-m and m{N-l+g) = 2B{g-l) = And 
we take Q = Qi for the same reason in the case of = 1. The characteristics 
a and b are determined by the boundary condition, which gives 

bo, a = ao + l/m, li 



where oq and 60 depend on the boundary value parameters a and The 
above equation does not imply that the degeneracy of the Laughlin wave 
functions is m^. According to the second section, the linear- independent 
number of the functions 




is mg — g + 1 and thus the degeneracy is actually mg — g + 1 

There is a deep mathematical structure behind the Laughlin wave func- 
tions. In the case of = 1, we know the wave function is given by the 
determinant of the sections of the holomorphic line bundle. In the case of 
u = m with m greater than 1, the Laughlin wave functions is given by the 
determinant of the sections of the holomorphic rank-m vector bundle. The 
discussion about the determinant of the sections of the holomorphic vector 
bundle can be found in Ref. HI. 


We consider a line bundle with connection A'^ = —iB'd\ng/2 (thus $' = 
^B'lg — 1) is the corresponding magnetic flux and is a positive integer). 
We take B' = B/m for the reasons to be seen later. Under the Fuchsian 
transformations, the transformations of the line bundle are given by Eq. (pO|) 
with the replacement of B by B'. We also introduce a flat vector bundle 
of rank-m with a flat connection. The flat vector bundle '^{'-fz)^ transforms 
under the Fuchsian transformations as 


where xil) is a constant matrix. We define a vector bundle E as the tensor 
product of the line bundle and the flat vector bundle. The vector bundle 
then is transformed under the Fuchsian transformations as, 


v^(7z)fc = E«(7,^)H^W^ ui^,z) = u{B',^){cz + dy^'/\cz + d\'^' (39) 

where 7 is a Fuchsian group element and z/(i?', 7) is now SLinxm matrix. Fol- 
lowing the discussion about the line bundle, we shall have z/(i?', —1) = e"*^'^^ 
and m(7i72,-2) = m (71, 72^)^(72, 2;) are the consistency conditions ensuring 
univaluedness of the wave function on the universal covering space. The 
holomorphic sections of the vector bundle is the solution of the following 

(P,, - 4)^(z) = 0. (40) 

where "^{z) is a m-dimension vector with the component \1/(2;)a:. The degree 
of the vector bundle is deg{E) = m x $' = $. We assume here $' or $ is 
much larger than one (because we apply a very strong magnetic field in the 
FQHE), is zero by the Kodaira vanishing theorem, which states that there 
do not exist the sections of the one-form holomorphic vector bundle or the 
holomorphic vector bundle x K where E is the vector bundle and K is 
the canonical bundle. It is possible to see that the vector bundle E~^ x K 

is negative 1 18]. Then by the Kodaira vanishing theorem, the dimension of 

the sections of the holomorphic vector bundle E x is zero|]18|. From the 
Riemann-Roch theorem for the vector bundles, the dimension of the sections 
of the holomorphic vector bundle is h^{E) = h^{E) + deg{E) + m(l — g) = 
^ + m{l — g). Suppose the basis of the vector bundle is given by "^i^z) 


with i = 1, • ■ ■ , h^{E), we can construct a determinant, det "^{{zj) with j = 
1, ■■■,N and N = h°{E)/m. 
One can show that 

adet(A„) = Edet(A:,(A;)) (41) 


where the matrix A - is given by A - .^(/c) = Ajj, i k and A'l^j^k) = dA^j. 
By using Eq. (|4l|) and Eq. (^OD , we can prove that 

(Pj,-m4) det ^,(z,) = 0. (42) 

det "^iizj) is an anti-symmetric functions with respect to the interchange of 
any coordinates Zi and zj. Thus the above equation shows that det\l/j(zj) 
is the wave function of the electrons interacting with the magnetic field 
mA'^ = Az- The flux out of surface of this magnetic field A^ is equal to 
$ = m$'. We shall show that det "^{{zj) is a Laughlin type wave function. 
Furthermore, we have a relation m{N — 1 + (?) = $ and the above discussions 
offer a mathematical explanation of this relation for the Laughlin states. This 
relation had been used to calculate the spin of the quasiparticle in Ref. [|T9| 
and the value of the spin is found to be topological independent. 

Now we shall prove that det "^iizj) is a Laughlin type wave function. By 
Eq. (|39D , one can also show that 

det '^ii'yzj) = det(z/(S, 7))(czj + d)^'^/\czj + d\'^^ det ^iizj) (43) 

with det(z/(i?, — 1)) = e"*^'^'^. Thus det\E'.j(zj) transforms in the same way 
as the Laughlin wave function \E'jl- Moreover, when Zi — > zj, we can easily 
show that det "^{{zj) {zi — Zj)"^. Thus the function obtained by taking the 
ratio of det ^i{zj) with 

3-1 N N N g-1 

n {Mz^)r-'^ n (^(^^^ / n a^^^z,. z^) n n (^(^^^ , 

i=\ i<j i=l i=l 1=1 

has no poles. By using Eq. (40), one can show that this function is an holo- 
morphic function of coordinates Zi. Furthermore, by using Eq. (^), we find 
that this function transforms exactly in the way as the theta functions in Eq. 
(pHf). This holomorphic function must be equal to one of the theta functions 


in Eq. (|38|). Thus we complete our prove that det ^i{zj) is a Laughhn type 
wave function. Similar arguments, for example in Ref. |2^, had been used 
in proving some identities. 

From the discussion of the previous section, B can be fractional in the 
above formulae (the above Laughlin wave functions make sense even B is 
fractional), but N and $ must be integers. 

We comment that the construction of the Laughlin wave function by the 
determinant of the sections of the holomorphic vector bundle can also apply 
to the case of (7 = 0, 1. It seems to us that the degeneracy of Laughlin wave 
functions is related to the different choice of the basis of the sections of the 
holomorphic vector bundle. Finally we shall point out that the hierarchical 
wave function on the Riemann surface can also be constructed by following 

the method developed in Ref. [21 

5.2 The Laughlin wave functions in the constant field 
on the surface with the C^M metric 

Following the first section, we take Fzz = dzA^ — dzAz = iiT'yu{ImQ)^^LJ. 
Az = iTx^u){ImVL)^^U /2. The ground states are given by 

X{u) = exp[-{n/2)-fu{ImQ)-\ + {7i/2)-fu{Imn)-\], (44) 

where i = 1, ■ ■ ■ — g + 1 and we assume here that 7 > 1 and 7 is an 
integer. We remark that the following formula for the wave function is true 
also in the case of fractional 7 and 'jg > 2g — 2 (remind that 'yg is always 
an integer). Fi are the linear independent solutions of Eq. (p!oD . The wave 
function of the electrons when the first Landau levels (or ground states) are 
completely filled (the filling is equal to 1 in this case) is then 

^,=1 = det iX{u,)F,{uj)) = UXiui) det (F,(m,)) . (45) 


det {Fi{uj)) can be calculated even we do not know how to select Fi{u), the 
linear independent solutions of Eq. (p^Of ). According to Ref. 0, det {Fi{uj)) 
is equal to 




(j2u?)l[E{z,,z,)f{z^,---,ZN), (46) 


where = 'yg — g + 1, f{zi, zj) = f{zj, Zi) and f{zi) has no zeros with respect 
to any coordinates. The function f{zi) can be determined by the boundary 
condition. From Eq. (|TU|), we have 

det {Fi{uj + Qn + m)) = exp{—iiT'~fnQn — 27T'ynUj 

—i'^nnm + ia{n, m)) det {Fiiuj)) . (47) 

Remarkably, we find that det Fi{uj) is given by the same formula as that in 
Eq. (pTl), that is det Fiiuj) = det hi{zj). One has only to replace 2s by 7 and 
take N = 'yg — g + 1 (instead of = 2s{g — 1) — + 1, as it was in Eq. 

(p?!)). One can then verify that Eq. (|^) is indeed satisfied. Moreover, the 
characteristics a and b are uniquely fixed by the boundary condition. We are 
not surprised that det Fi{uj) is given by Eq. (|27| ) because both of them are 
the determinants of the holomorphic sections of bundles. 

If filling u = 1/m, the Laughlin wave functions are given by, \E'ji = 
YliX{ui)'^'j with \E'j taking the same form as Eq. (|36D . However, now we 
shall take Q = Qi = Q2 = 7 — m, 7 = $/(7 compared with Q = 2B — m 
and B = ^/2{g — 1) in the case of the Poincare metric. Always, we have the 
relation m{N — 1 + (7) = $. The wave functions shall satisfy the boundary 


\E''(Mj + Qn + m) = exp{—i'n''~fnQn — 2Ti'^nUi 

—i'~f7mm + ia{n,'m))'$'{ui). (48) 

and the characteristics a and b in Eq. (36) can be fixed by the boundary con 

dition, e.g., Eq. (^Sf ). The characteristics are given b = bo, a = ao + l/m. k = 
1, ■ ■ ■ , m and i = 1, - ■ ■ ,g, where and 60 depend on the boundary value 
parameters a{n,m). It is easy to see that the degeneracy of the Laughlin 
wave functions is also equal to mg — g + 1. 

By making continuation of 7, 7 can be fractional, although A^ and $ 
are always integers. Now we can show how to obtain the ground state wave 
functions of a particle interacting with a constant magnetic field with the 
C^M metric in the case of fractional 7. When 'yg > 2g — 2 and 7 being 
fractional, the degeneracy of the ground states is still given hj N = •yg — g + l 
and the wave function of the electrons at filling z/ = 1 is still given by Eq. 
(pTl) multiplied by YliX{ui). The wave function of a single particle can be 
obtained by fixing the coordinates of other particles in the wave function of 
the electrons at filling u = 1 in this case. 


5.3 The degeneracy of the Laughhn state, a general 

We have show that the degeneracy of some Laughhn states in the last two 
subsections is mg — g-\-l and we will try to show here that, generally, the de- 
generacy of Laughlin states is mg — g + 1 under some reasonable assumptions. 
The Laughlin type wave function is the many particle wave function which 
looks like = F{zi, ■■■,zn) Ili<j[fizi, Zj)]"^, where f{zi, Zj) = -f{zj, Zi) 
and it is a ftmction on holomorphic coordinates Zi and Zj. Furthermore when 
Zi approaches Zj, f{zi,Zj) is proportional to Zi — Zj and only when Zi = zj, 
f{zi,Zj) = 0. The only function with those properties on Riemann surfaces is 
the prime form function E{zi, zj). Because every particle stays in the lowest 
Landau level, so (P^. — Az^)^JL — 0, Hence the Laughhn wave function will 

N . N 

*JL = n cxp[ J ^[E{zi, Zi)^ X F'{z^, ■■■,zn) (49) 

i=l i<j 

where F'{zi) is a function of holomorphic coordinates Zi. F' shall be deter- 
mined by the boundary condition on the surface which is compatible with 
the Hamiltonian. Suppose that the magnetic field is smooth enough, we ex- 
pect that has no poles and exp[/ A^fdzi] has no zeros and poles. We 
have shown that m{N — 1 + (7) = $ for the Laughlin states in the last two 
subsection and offered a mathematical explanation of this relation. Thus we 
can assume that m{N — 1 -|- ^f) = $ is true for any Laughlin states. Be- 
cause the degree is equal to so \E'jl has $ zeros with respect to every 
coordinate. The number of zeros (counting the order of the zeros) in the 
function Yl.i^j[E(zi, Zj)]"^ is m{N — 1) with respect to Zi. So the remaining 
$ — m(A^ — 1) = mg zeros are contained in the function F'. Suppose we have 
solutions F', thus = is a meromorphic function with respect to Zi, 

where F[ is one of the solutions (possibly some zeros in F/ cancel some zeros 
in F[). Prom the previous discussion, we make an assumption that Gj is a 
function of the center coordinate J2i ^i- Because the meromorphic function 
can be always given by one 9 function divided by another 9 function, so the 
meromorphic function with poles at the points which lie on some zeros of the 


function F[ is given by 





where now u = J2i I^' and 6 {mu\mQ) has same zeros as By 
Riemann-Roch theorem, the number of such hnear independent meromor- 
phic functions is mg — g + 1 for m > 1 (m = 1 is the case of the integer 
QHE and the degeneracy of the Hall state is one). Thus the number of the 
linear independent functions F- or the degeneracy of the Laughlin states is 
mg — g + 1. However in Refs. [22, 23], it was pointed out that the degeneracy 
of the Laughlin states is s on the surface with g handles. In Ref. 

Wen and Niu analyzed the Chern-Simons effective theory of the FQHE to 
get the degeneracy of the Laughlin states. In the Chern-Simons theory, there 
are so called large components of gauge fields (for example, Ref. [0]) and 
one part of the wave function is Fl(A) = 9 i'mu + mA\m^l), where A 

is the large component of the gauge field, oq + ^,&o take values in R^/Z^ 
and ao, bo is dependent on the boundary condition. The phase space of A is 
Jacobian variety C^/Z^ + QZ^ . Because A is now a dynamical variable, all 
functions Fl{A) are independent with each other. Thus the degeneracy of 
the Laughlin states is m^. However if we suppose that ^ is a constant vector, 
the number of the linear independent functions among Fl{A) is mg — + 1. 

6 Acknowledgements 

We would like to thank Professors B. Dubrovin and K.S. Narain for many use- 
ful conversations. The work is partially supported by EEC, Science Project 



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